Zero Balancing

Structure and Energy in Balance

Thank you so much. Your work is magic!
— Dina Yehia, Viroqua, WI

Have you tried Zero Balancing?

My sessions with Jennelle were deeply moving, restorative, and healing. Although I made the initial appointment due to acute back pain, the session moved beyond the physical and seems to have opened up more space for my true essence. The chronic pain has faded and I can return to the ‘place’ of the work and continue it myself.

East Meets West

Feel Stillness Deep in Your Bones

At the leading edge of body/mind therapies, Zero Balancing integrates Western anatomical approaches with Eastern concepts of energy and healing. I use transformational touch to help you balance both your structural body and your energy body.

It’s amazing how the work is subtle and yet I immediately I feel the release. When you were touching my throat I could immediately feel my left SI joint release, and when you were holding my sacrum, I felt a release going down my right leg and out my big toe.
— Drew Fisher, LaFarge, Wisconsin

Zero Balancing feels great!

Zero Balancing relieves physical and mental tension

Zero Balancing feels:

✬ Supportive

✬ Comforting

✬ Deep and Satisfying

✬ Engaging

✬ Feels Good or “Hurts Good”

✬ Simultaneously Stabilizing and Uplifting

When I finish a session of Zero Balancing, I get off the table and feel reconnected to myself physically. As important, I feel centered, with petty anxieties and negative emotions dissolved and distant …The [sessions] always allow me to find a good place inside myself.
— Georgiana McCabe  

Healing that is Bone Deep

Your deepest, densest flow of energy is through your bone.

Zero Balancing focuses on the skeleton. Bone is piezoelectric, meaning it manifests an electric charge. Bone is also the deepest and densest tissue in your body, and can hold and convey tremendous energy.

There are a number of common phrases that link bone with deeply held emotion:

Zero Balancing is related to chiropractic, but is focused on the energy that runs through your bones

Bone Gold

✬ "I feel it in my bones,"

✬ "It's close to the bone," and

✬ "I'm bone tired."

By touching the structure and energy of your bone, we can attend to the underpinnings of who you are, to what lies beneath and behind your symptoms. Thus, at a core level, Zero Balancing facilitates harmony at all the levels of your body systems, energy systems, and even life experience. 

I came in with pain from starting my cycle. I’ve grown accustomed to curling in a ball, not wanting to move on the first day or two. To my astonishment by mid-treatment my body relaxed, tension released and the pain was gone. But what amazed me even more is I felt soothed and grounded and even went home to accomplish chores.
— J., Viroqua, Wisconsin

Balancing Structure and Energy

✬ Zero Balancing was developed by my teacher Fritz Smith, M.D., an osteopathic physician who became and acupuncturist. His work focuses on both your body structure and body energy.

✬ In Zero Balancing we refer to “structure” as that which is relatively stable and enduring.  In our physical body, our most stable and enduring part is the bone.

✬ Our structure is most stable when its parts are balanced, aligned, and able to move harmoniously. 

✬ We refer to “energy” as the life that moves through the structure and animates us. 

✬ The energy we use to animate our lives ebbs and flows. Some days we access more energy than others. 

✬ In Zero Balancing, we are interested in the balance and interplay of structure and energy.  Some parts of us hold too much energy, creating tension. Other parts may not be receiving enough, allowing deficiency and weakness.

✬ When energy moves in concert with our structure, we naturally become more attuned to the rest, joy, wisdom, and happiness available in life.

Zero Balancing is the treatment I turn to when I am in need of a bone-deep energetic shift... Over the years I have had the opportunity to try many modalities and I’ve found that one session of ZB can trigger the most dramatic and positive energy shifts I have ever experienced.
— Cara Washburn, Somerville, MA